To stick a remote up your butt.
To forcefully put a remote into your rectum.
Refer to "Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO)" on youtube.
Dahm did you hear about Jb, he did a Lester.
My girl said she is gonna show me herself doing the Lester.
by BenchwarmerUalreadyknow June 23, 2009
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the man who works at chuck e. cheese and wants all the single moms.
At Cindy's 5th Birthday Party
Karen: "did you see that lester?"
Susan: "yeah, did he honestly just ask for your number?"
by creeper98 September 20, 2008
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A man that hides in your closet and touches you at night. He is a ugly man and you don't want to marry him for he will lick you I'm your sleep. Please help me...... Run he's coming
Uncle lester will get you in your sleep.
by Don't talk to me FOOL March 22, 2018
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A homosexual sex offender with a micro cock, a Lester usually drives a white van and waits outside schools to molest little kiddos, a Lester normally wears a flannel shirt with pretty terrible

grey trousers, they normally watch gay hentai or child porn..... I'm a Lester
Holy water you were such a Lester last night
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(Les'ter) 1. A ridiculous hair cut usually worn by a person
of lesser fortune. *Also see(Schmoe)

2. The nick name used to describe a person with bad taste in generally everthing.
1. "Have you seens Dick's hair lately"?
"He looks like a straight up Lester"!

2."Wow, denim spandix"?
"Nice move Lester"!
by Merriam & Webster February 13, 2008
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