Rude with everyone ,think that she can climb a mountain in a wheelchair . Legends say that she i able to speak chinese but probably is just saying random worlds withaout any sense. She give human name to dog and dog name to human. She try to understand your weaknesses to hurt yourself more.
Kristian:hi kinga you wanna go dance tonight
Kinga: I'd rather be beaten by a homeless instead of go somewhere with you
by Kristian132 May 18, 2022
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To have victory snatched away at the last second by making a silly mistake.
Etymology: In the 2019 Red Bull X-alps, endurance athlete and Paraglider pilot Kinga Masztalerz was racing another competitor to avoid elimination. She had battled her way to get in front of her competitor but then took a wrong turn and ran in completely the wrong direction. By the time she realised the mistake it was too late and, at the cut off time, she was eliminated for being only 700m behind.
I was winning.. and then my brain exploded! Yeah I pulled a Kinga.
by HonBaj June 26, 2019
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A sexy girl who is obsessed with Shawn mendes she wants to fuck him so hard
Wow that kinga is so sexy
by _.xxsammy September 12, 2017
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- A person of ill repute who is always in a state of constant self pity and tends to be disguntled by anything they do not agree to be correct.

This is taken from a behavioral pattern viewed in polish/canadian youth of the female gender.
:Man that chick is such a kinga!
:what happened to her, she's acting like a real kinga lately
:your mom may be hot but she's a kinga
by Jebidiah S. September 26, 2004
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A female contestant in Englands Piss-poor attempt at reality Tv known as Big Brother. This fairly large "minger kinga" decided to pretend to be drunk on non-alcoholic wine (non-beknownest to the contestants) then take the bottle on to the garden and attempted to shove it up her Gash and try to pleasure herself.
"Dude that Kinga is a fat bottle-fucking cow"
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Rude with everyone ,think that she can climb a mountain in a wheelchair . Legends say that she i able to speak chinese but probably is just saying random worlds withaout any sense. She give human name to dog and dog name to human. She try to understand your weaknesses to hurt yourself more.
Kristian:hi kinga nice to met you
Kinga: fuck you from my sight like your dad did 10 years ago
by Kristian132 May 18, 2022
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