Karissa is a headstrong, resilient, beautiful, brutally honest, tough, nice and kind person. She will do whatever she needs to, to protect the ones she loves. She doesn't take kindly to those who talk about her behind her back. She would rather you say it to her face. She doesn't like liars and people who pretend. She likes to tell the truth, however hurtful it maybe. She believes that it's better to say the truth then lie and make you look like a fool. She also believes in helping others. She doesn't pretend to know everything but she never backs down to anyone, whether it be her family or friends. She may come off as intimidating or stand offish but she's a weird, crazy, and funny person once you get to know her.
Friend: Karissa when I first met you I thought you were so scary!
Me: Really!? I swear I'm nice an-
Friend: I realize that know
Me: And. I don't bite-
Friend: (laughs) I know!
Me: I don't bite that hard, promise (laughs)
by ScarybutNice:P February 3, 2021
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A big blob who eats Dino nuggets all the time
Mom: I need to make sure to buy more dino nuggets for Karissa.
by XanderH January 8, 2020
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me! very outgoing and nice and compassionate and doesnt deal with any ones shit:)
by karissa October 16, 2003
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the coolest person ever, sweet, cuddly, compassionate, caring, and one of a kind
Everyone should love or know a Karissa.
by Karissa ;) August 17, 2003
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Beautiful,cool,fashonable,sweet,smart,loveable,helpful,and Orlando Bloomy yap'thats me!!
Karissa is like sooooooo cool!!
by Karissa October 19, 2003
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The most beautiful- amazingly kind and sweet- woman on the planet. She's absolutely gorgeous, and any guy would be lucky to have her. She's truly amazing and talented, whether she like to believe it or not. She becomes very stubborn when people attempt to compliment her. But we all know that she's really perfect.
Get yourself a Karissa.
by danyourman201 July 29, 2017
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