Is a girl that loves her vape and takes it with her everywhere , she likes hanging out with her friends most Kalem’s are Gemini or at least behave like one they like partying and having a good time .they usually loud and outspoken but tend to be quiet or offish around people and an environment they don’t like ,Kalem’s are very loyal but if you get on their bad side they’ll either seek their revenge or cut you off completely.Kalem’s are smart but rarely show it off .she is very beautiful and tends to attract attention wherever she goes .
I really want Kalem to be my friend !
Kalem is very beautiful I wanna look like her
by Zameera November 23, 2021
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One sexy mother fucker who likes when there girl takes control and is more dominant than him. He likes being cuffed and slapped around but when he takes matters into his own hands he will rip u apart like how a lion devours it’s prey.
Bro I just finished with that dirty kalem, man it was a night to remember.
by A pee pee scared user July 22, 2021
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