A man thats more than man. who likes to punch douchers in the face. who is a mild racist but some of his best friends are white. he loves herbs. and loves being liberated
Dude if i was justyn i would punch that doucher in the face!
by runit9909090 August 10, 2008
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A nigga who can swipe yo bitch any time anywhere.A paper maker,A big dick boy,n he’s a lot of fun
Justyn’s a cool guy with a big dick👍🏾
by Steve Steve August 7, 2022
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a name. pronounced "justin" often mistaken for "justine"....this name may be used for a male or female (i am a female justyn and have met only one other)
-Justine could you do me a favore?

-i dont know who justine is. my name is JUSTYN....and YES i have a vagina not a penis
by justyn ghost August 24, 2008
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A beautiful and unique feminine way to spell Justin when used for a girl.
Parents use the name Justyn as great conversation starters at parties even though their child suffers traumatically in the elementary school years.
by JustyB September 5, 2008
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a black guy with a big dick good at basketball with unmatched rizz
this guy just be pulling all the bitches he's definitely a justyn
by masked nigga January 24, 2023
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Justyns are funny, dirty-minded, kind, and the type of guy you want to keep around. They can make you smile and laugh with so much as a few words. They love gaming, inside jokes, and have been through some tough times. Justyns sometimes don't think before they say things which can insult you but they always come back and truly apologize.
Justyn told me a joke that offended me but after not 3 minutes, he can back and apologized. He’s so cute
by 0livia.M August 8, 2022
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When you impulsively buy an unnecessary, expensive item out of nowhere.
Mary: Omg I just impulsively purchased a Gucci belt.
Bob: You just pulled a justyne... again!
by JPGoldmanStanley October 9, 2018
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