When you are performing cunnilingus on a pregnant woman and her water breaks.
Last night I was going down on Sally and I was hit by a Juneau Watershed - it flushed a contact lens right out of my eye!
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A small tourist-filled city of about 30,000 people located in southeast Alaska, Juneau is the absolute place to be. During the short yet fun-filled springs and summers, both visitors and full Alaskans enjoy visiting the beautiful glaciers, trails, and lakes. Mountains are easily hiked, and the beautiful atmosphere is overwhelming. In Juneau, every breath is fresh and crisp, and would make the long trip worth it just by itself. Juneau is surrounded by trees and wildlife, for it is located within the widely-known Tongas Rainforest. The people of Juneau are always supporting of the local resturants and businesses. If your looking at traveling options, Juneau, AK, is definitely a destination to consider.
New Yorker: I want to go to Juneau, Alaska!
Juneauite: Come on over!
New Yorker: I want to see the polar bears, moose, and eskimos!
Juneauite: Their aren't any polar bears/moose/eskimos in Juneau... :/
by maybei'mcooler? May 17, 2011
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A man or boy normally 5'7 in height, Scorpio, brown hair brown eyes mostly nice, funny, always there never cheated in his life never would. most caring soul in the world . loves hugs , had a history of leukemia (blood Cancer) on his spinal cord, his father left for the military came home never visited has had 4 wives. (the father not mike) Mike lives with his mother his step dad his 2 sisters and his cousin.

goes to Lumberton HS TX
Do you know MIKE JUNEAU?
yea he's such a mike.
by humber fumperdink March 6, 2019
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A homosexual native american who has absolutely no control of their liquor, and Frequently goes on drunken tirades. Wreaking havoc on anyone or thing in his path.
I was walking down the street and a Juneau United kid punched me in the kidney.
by Jdsucksfatdicksatbball August 15, 2018
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The capitol city of Alaska. Population of approximately 30,000 with nearly 30% being unemployed male douche bags that strut around the bars like they're the shit. The average Juneau douche bag only gets laid once every other year and it's usually to a 300 lb Chlamydia infested whale. Can also be used to describe a Juneau female that is a 2 but thinks she's a 10. A very common occurance in Southeast Alaska.
Those Juneau Douche Bags would sleep with a toaster if they could only afford to buy it a drink.
by AKCoug February 2, 2011
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juneau is the prettiest girl to walk the earth. her eyeliner is the best, and every guy she sees loves her, she just doesn't know it yet. she has an awful taste in men though, and has a weird tom cruise obsession.
"juneau is super pretty"
by among us fortnite sussy June 15, 2022
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