This is the sexiest type of nigga you can find anywhere. If you find a juan, and your name is Rosa, send nudes.
I saw juan the other day, so i decided to send him nudes
by Rumpleforsekin December 20, 2016
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Spanish form of "John."

It means "God has given," "gift from God," and/or "God is gracious."
"Juan es en la bibliotecha."
"John is in the library."
by GOD'S NOT DEAD! January 30, 2015
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Mexicanos with huge Dick and good at sex and a bad ass
by Fkkf February 14, 2018
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Juan is the type of guy that u will never want to let go. He is smart, shy, and sexy. Juan’s are keepers! He loves god . His smile is killer makes u want to do anything just for him to smile at u again. He loves his family. Respects women and is a fun person to be around. Sweet intentions, lips so soft makes u want to melt. Turns u Juan.!😂😂
He’s Juan in a million😍🤟❤️💯
I love my bae, Juan 💯❤️😘😍🥰
by Fluffy-bunny..avocadogang December 6, 2019
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Juan is someone who always tries to make people laugh. He looks crispy and crunchy like nachos because he's Mexican. People always confuse him for a taco. People also think his name is spelled like the number 1. Juan is very cute and people should name their kids that name.
Did you order tacos? No I ordered one *Juan* nacho.
by cupcakenachos February 18, 2017
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The best name anyone could ever possibly have. Anybody with this name is automatically awesome. A Juan likes to show off a little, but does it in a very hot way, making the ladies run to him like a moth to flame.Can also be used to describe someone who is a total badass.
I just saw this guy surfing do a double backflip off of his surfboard into the ocean, and came up out of the water showing off his abs of steel. He is such a Juan.
by JUAN is bae December 16, 2014
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The most finest Latino, to ever walk this planet! He's a tall brunette with beautiful brown eyes and the most adorable smile. Not only that, he also knows how to treat his girl right. As known as the best boyfriend in the world. Juan will often bother you, but it's because he loves you. He'll love you unconditionally, and tell you your pretty even without makeup, messy hair or when you've just woken up. Juanito, will often crack a joke to make you laugh. Not to mention, this handsome boy is hardworking, intelligent and witty with words. He knows how to treat his girl like a queen or a princess. My Juan and only lover boy there's nobody else quite like my cariño <3
Hola mi amor, te amo con todo mi corazón and I promise cariño I always will no matter what you're my hubby and I don't want anyone else but you muah! 💕

My Juan and only mi novio <3
by Just a girl in love <3 February 19, 2023
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