"Why were you jarring at my junk last night bro??"
by swagaholic29 November 19, 2011
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If you call someone jarring it means you want to give them head.
by J5 for the hood March 5, 2018
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1. Lacking any common sense

2. Fucking careless

3. See Also: asshat
My roomate can be a real asshat sometimes.
by David Yoo March 29, 2003
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To bumble your way to success or victory
I didn't know any of the answers on the test, but I still jar jarred my way to a B.
by Darth Conans October 29, 2015
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Any tall ass foreign chick that: cant speak English, smells like old ass cheese, and is annoying as hell.
What the hell is that jar jar saying? Last time I go to this Taco Bell.
by Dr. Bacon July 22, 2010
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Based on the completely unnecessary and gratuitous CG character Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequel, _Phantom Menace_, it has come to refer to any overly obnoxious or heavy-laden computer-generated movie or character therein.
"This film would've been ok except for the fact they jar-jar'd it with all of those over-the-top effects."

"Did you see Jet Li's _The One_? It was bad and a jar-jar extraordinaire!"
by Kevin Walker August 17, 2004
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A term for “Just another ranker” used by chicanos typically in Southern California. The word is popular in Los Angeles for using the term in a way to describe someone who is from a low place and is not “about that life”.
Person 1: “Say fuck JAR”
Person 2: “Well I’m not from there foo
Person 1: “Say it again foo”
Person 2: “Fuck JAR, there you happy foo?”
Person 1: “Once a bitch, always a bitch homie”
by William Edwards October 11, 2020
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