Super ugly his breath stinks and gets no girls
Omg his breath stinks like a jakobi
by handler March 28, 2016
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Many have argued wether it is a learned behaviour or some sort of genetic quirk but either way it is a very wide spread in our current generation.

Jakobi syndrome is defined by it wild hand gestures often making shapes while descirbing or asking for something but these shapes or hand signs often have little bearing on what they are actually asking for and happen frequently.
this disease/behaviour was first investigated by Inns et al (2010) and studies are still ongoing to this day.

Jakobi syndrome was named after the leading singer of papa roach Jakobi as he is the most famous Jakobi sufferer and has opened many charities for this plight.
yeah the date was going well but every time he asked for a drink at the bar he would make a triangle with his hands and when he asked me for a tissue he pointed at his eyes and the to the floor..." "oohh he must have jakobi syndrome... poor guy
by Silly McFantastic February 2, 2011
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persian for hands jakoby meaning the hands of jakob. used when one is in a static frame of mind. he or she may stand up and randomly scream on the top of their lungs "dasthayeh jakoby"
jafar: man where the fuk are we?

ehteram: bro all i have to say is " dasthayeh jakoby"
by nikibin November 2, 2006
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When five people eat each other’s shit then have sex.
Are you saying you had a dirty Jakoby last night?
by MR LUAVE April 15, 2020
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A very hot man that's short. Also makes fun of emo kids, and will beat ur ass. Also has a HUGE cock.
by .kobi May 2, 2022
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