thuggest rap group in the states. started in houston TX, the group is gunna dominate the world of hip hop in the blink of an eye. Dnaps is totally awesome.
I love that song "Turn on My Blinkers" by MYTH. That song kicks ass.
by lemonade6969 March 23, 2011
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A story based on a collection of actual happenenings that are all accredited to one person. The actual events may have taken place hundreds of years apart when researched.
Robin Hood is the greatest myth of all. The events were based on numerous people, hundreds of miles apart, who lived hundreds of years apart. They are mostly based on 11th century charactor Robert Hood, and they also include robert of locksley etc.
by Gumba Gumba March 14, 2004
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A well known release group. Their first release was in 2000 C&C TS. Ever since then the name MYTH has been known across the scene. Quality was their main focus, unlike so many other groups. They also released the first DVD Rip back in 2003. MYTH was also subject to raids such as Operation Site Down in 2005.

MYTH was soon to stop releasing due to exposure within the scene, in October of 2005.
by Lophius October 12, 2005
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Obviously, it's a female moth. What else do you need to know.
Oh dear! was that a myth that just flew into that candle flame and got sunburnt.
by DesKnowAll May 19, 2006
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Dying to fall damage. Usually getting thrown away from the bottom of your stairs.
I got mythed so hard. I went flying.
TSM_JuicyPunjabi didn't stick the landing, he got mythed.
TSM_Myth died from fall damage in the tournament. He got mythed a lot
by FortniteGOD6969 July 8, 2018
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a cool way to prove something is incorrect
Chad: Jessie, you look so pretty today.
Jessie: Myth.
by ilovechad January 27, 2009
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Dying of fall damage after jumping out of a vehicle in fortnite.
I mythed myself in fortnite.
by Sp00pD0gg May 16, 2019
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