The word which describes someone who get's bitch smacked and/or gets kicked in the nuts
by Vman money July 2, 2010
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To have absolutely no communication with a person the day, or days, after an action like a spontaneous kiss to full on sex. Usually associated with the "Ice-er" being scared and confused by the actions done by the "Ice-ee"

Can be associated with or alluded to "One Night Stands"
I've sent her 5 texts today, and I have not gotten a single response... Looks like I've got a week of getting iced for that one little kiss.
by City Boy in a Country World October 11, 2009
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ice is the The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement so if you have been deported or detained by ice you have been iced
Damn i cant believe 21 savage is from the UK he got iced
by DoubleFudgeAngela April 5, 2019
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Jim: Dude I ain't heard from Carol in two weeks. She been avoiding me like crazy.

Jack: Dude you've been iced. She done dumped your ass without even telling you.
by RebelGirl2016 January 24, 2017
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Iced meaning to have diamond jewelry or to be killed
Chyea that nigga ran straight up on me and I iced that fool or my necks frozen cause its iced out
by Julian Robinson March 20, 2007
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a word which describes a negative notation or accomplishment.
"I iced you, bitch"

"I iced that exam"
by GOOMBSKA January 24, 2013
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Extremely intoxicated, to the point of no return.
Yo Justin got his head shaved last night when he was passed out. Motha Fucker was Iced!
by Langon January 11, 2009
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