Someone who generally identifies with being straight/CIS, but due to having connections is considered queer by their friends.
It's ok, they're honorary queers they don't get the guillotine in the revolution.
by Oshkin July 8, 2019
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It means you have the piece of paper but you don't know anything.
Bob just received an honorary degree in law even though he never studied past high school.
by Bono747 February 10, 2012
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A hot man over the age of 30 who could be a DILF (dad I'd like to fuck) but has no kids.
by gatekeepsebastainstan August 25, 2021
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Band like: Bright Eyes
Debut Album: Anything Else But The Truth
Who: Jarrod Gorbel & Aaron Kamstra

pff. yeah. go their their cd.
"everything i once had" is an amazing song.
by britt December 14, 2004
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An honorary member of the Jewish brethren. Usually awarded to someone who grew up in a Jewish neighbourhood, knows what a dreidel, kippa, bubbie and zaide are. Chews Bazooka Joe gum. Jealous they didn't get to build a tent in their back yard for Sukoot or celebrate a Bar Mitzvah. Frequently says stuff like "Oy! It took a lot of chutzpah for me to show him what's what. Mazel tov!"
Jameel was awarded his honorary jew status with a kippa ceremony.
by Allison March 23, 2004
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When a person has many friends of a certain ethnicity... But they themselves are white. After a certain amount of friends and exposure to culture of a certain racial group, they can be made into an "honorary ethnicity".
"Cara, I've never seen that white girl Alex with anyone who isn't mexican..."
"I think they did the honorary ethnicity ceremony a few weeks ago... She's an honorary mexican now.
by Kathykrenzingtonsnugglesworth September 25, 2010
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A girl who fucks three or two guys from the same faternity.
"Bro is that a thot or a ratchet?"

"Naw bro that and Honorary Groupie."
by Realist Nigga 99 December 5, 2014
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