A suicidal poes with no life that plays asseto corsa 24/7 and calls his mother a kitchen whore
Are we to play Hein?
by Veldmuis July 23, 2018
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1. Short for Heineken beer. An example of which can be found in the introductory lyrics to Weezer's "Say It Ain't So". 2. Another word for ass.
1. Honey, grab me a Heine from the icebox then cook me up some dinner. 2. After grabbing the brew from the icebox instead of dinner how about giving me a little Heine?
by Roland819 December 6, 2006
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French Canadian: So I was skanking the other night at the show, hein?
American: What? Huh?
French Canadian: Yeah, it was rellin, hein?
American: I am confused!
French Canadian: Why am I even talking to you?
by Sahara April 19, 2005
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To be the drunkest, near passout person in any room or party.
Also known as drunky the clowned.
I was so heined last night i don't remember anything.
I'm getting heined tonight. Might not live through the night.
by Johnny Fuckin Two Bears January 25, 2008
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A Heine is someone who is considered the boss in every room he steps into. They are extremely good looking and are the type of guys that every girl is dreaming of. With an average IQ of 2546,84 they are also bound to have successfull careers.
You: My boss slept with 10 Victoria Secret models last night

Me: Oh, so he is A Heine?
You: Yes of course
by Hgj42 October 14, 2021
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abbreviated form of "heinous" (pronounced: Hayn)
drunk guy: i think i'd totally have sex with shelley duvall.
sober guy: no way man, she's totally hein.
by Nihal November 11, 2005
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The refusual of sex moments before insertion.
My man got heined last night! He was right on top of this girl with his tool wrapped and everything but she chickened out and heined him at the last minute.
by Barbara Lentini January 15, 2008
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