1) An elitist university where one would go to waste "$150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late fees at the public library."

2) The home of athletes who make their opposition feel better about themselves and look especially talented by comparison.

"I just wasted 150,000 dollars last weekend in Vegas!"
"That sucks, but I went to Harvard and it took me four years."


Harvard just played hockey against Cornell.
by D H May 8, 2006
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If you looked this up, its obviously not on your list of college applications.
Fellow Employee: "So hey where'd you graduate from?"

Bob: (arrogant, slightly pompous tone) Harvard.

Fellow Employee: "Woaah...(awed silence)''
by Pooperscooper! November 5, 2009
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I was going to go to Princeton, but i'm fat and I'd rather not have fun in college, so I'll go to Harvard.
by J. March 19, 2005
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Harvard is perhaps the most prestigious University in the USA. The University was founded in 1636 in Cambridge Massachusetts, way before the USA became independent from Britain. The name came after John Harvard, a young minister, a graduate of Cambridge, England, who upon his death left library and estate to support the early time of University.

Before 20th century, European countries dominated the world and finest Universities such as Cambridge and Oxford were found in Europe.
However, because of World War I and II, European countries lost world power and the power shifted to the USA. Political and economic power shifts also made opportunity for American Universities to set the highest standards.

Harvard is like a huge cooperation or enterprise, investing in stocks, lands, not only investments in educations. Harvard's strong power is perhaps its prestigious name and also enormous financial power that could recruit the already established best star scholars in the world to be Harvard professors. Average assistant and associate professors are high standards in their levels. However, the presence of several, but not all, star professors at Harvard is making Harvard almost incomparable unique University.
In addition, Harvard-MIT, both located in Boston, perhaps two top Universities, have exchange programs that add more opportunities.
Learning from top professors naturally gives opportunities to students to stand in the front positions in the world in their fields.
You know, most of the star professors at Harvard are not necessarily graduates of these schools.
by ramunenakayama@hotmail.com January 7, 2008
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the school that cornell destroys in hockey every year.
"We didn't go to Harvard. No we're not that cocky and they can't play hockey."
by CARNAN November 19, 2006
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American university that breeds insecurity, especially with regards to its younger cousin (see: Yale).
Guy 1: Dude, all Sam can talk about since he started at Harvard was how much "Yale sucks".
Guy 2: Yeah, thats because they replaced the freshman writing course with "Yale Sucks 101".
by selfcall February 8, 2007
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1) Even if you don't go here, you can be just as successful. A degree is a degree.

2) A prestigious and expensive school with a stereotype of being the best school in the USA, but it has a big rape problem. They had 128 cases of it in the last few years and here's another fact: The administration don't care
Person#1: I got accepted to Harvard.
Person#2: Dont waste your money. You really don't need to go there.
by 3.1415926535897932384 October 10, 2016
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