A traditional annual contest held and organized by the students of Holmdel High School in New Jersey without the supervision of staff members (who are aware). Every year around early spring, the upperclassmen guys brainstorm the hottest girls in the school (usually consisting of a female teacher or two) and create a bracket. Likewise, the upperclassmen girls get together and come up with the best looking guys. Ongoing for approximately a month, multiple "contestants" are eliminated weekly based on who's hotter than who and this is determined by hearing out the students' opinions. This bracket is posted and updated on a website and the website is taken down at the end of the contest. There are typically loads of kids carrying a printed copy with them in school and sharing it with their friends, but the staff stays on the lookout and if they catch you with the bracket in your hand, you automatically get a detention. In the end, you're virtually crowned best looking girl and guy of the school, but you don't win anything except an ego boost.
Did you see who moved up on the holmdel bracket this week?
by jerseyshore January 17, 2010
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Holmdel High School: HHS also known as the worst place on earth... It's a living hell. There's absolutily nothig to do.

More than half of the students are preppy white rich spoiled assholes who haven't worked a day in their lives. The teachers turn into heartless monsters from dealing with them almost everyday from their sad God given lives.

Since the school and town is so god damn boring, when something goes the slightest bit wrong BOOM the principle, the vice principles, the hall monitors, the middle school staff, parents, EVERYONE jumps into action as if someone were about to blow up the school... It's beyond ridiculous.
Holmdel high school is only liked by 2 types of people ,people who don't know outside of Holmdel and have lived here their whole lives and parents since Holmdel high school is in the "top 250" in the nation (becusse all of the smart ass Asians) . HOLMDEL AND HOLMDEL HIGH SCHOOL IS ONE BIG HUGE FUCKING JOKE... Oh and the parties are just horrendous i can't even rant about that
1-What school do you go to?

2-Holmdel High School

1-oh so you're rich and white?
by Sdfghjkl October 20, 2014
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A horrible place that is filthy, ugly, and the hallways smell like the bathrooms. Teachers here are known to be some of the most uptight in the area and will ruin your life throughout your 4 dreadful years here. There's even a gym teacher that makes his students write essays for his class. The vice principal seems to enjoy giving detentions to innocent students that just want to have some fun and make the best out of the situations they are given. The people here are tools and will make your life miserable for all 4 years you are here. They are not friendly in the slightest bit, and they are rude and obnoxious. The athletic programs are some of the worst run in the area, and the athletic director is overpayed and he is the biggest dick you ever meet. If you have the opportunity to go to school somewhere else, do it!
Holmdel High School is the worst place on the face of the earth
by bbx5701 March 29, 2011
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let’s get started on the people who live here. they are snobby rich white kids/black kids who are whitewashed.most annoying creatures to walk this earth/very self absorbed. the football team wins one fucking game and they think they are the shit. don’t even get me started on the orange bitches that attend this school, all are whores and they all basically just fuck each other bf.they have no standards when it comes to guys, all dress like sluts and twerk there non existences asses at party. they have 0 self respect and all get naked infront of each other/have huge orgys with each other. all i am saying is that if u live out of this town, don’t even bother messing with any of these men even though they are so easy bc the girls will flame you for messing with their “boys” or wtvr since there insecure pieces of shits/snakes. the boys here are unloyal/have no standards. they don’t know how to treat women since all the women in their school are objects. don’t even get me started on their stupid ass partys. you will just see them getting drunk off one white claws and listening to harry styles/taylor swift. they have no taste in music or taste in style let me tell u that. they will talk mad shit bout u but will all be nice to u in perosn because they are big pussys. also you will go to a hang out and just see them hu with a new girl everytime even tho they all are run through. they don’t know how to socialize with anyone ourside of their town. all gonna go to brookedale.
wanna go to a place where u will see boring ass party’s and sluts??!! go to holmdel high school!
by bellathewh0re October 12, 2021
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In reference to the amount of weight lost after attending Holmdel High school due to the amount of stress put onto the students.
Paul: damn gia lost a lot of weight this year

Anthony: yea it’s the Holmdel 20 hitting her
by :)))) 679 March 25, 2022
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A lovely park located in lovely New Jersey in lovely Holmdel. Close to my favorite place, lovely holmdel highschool.

At this park you'll find;

-A huge ass hill called the bowl

-A farm with animals and shit (literal shit)

-A pond where you can fish in only during certain times of the year, which people don't seem to fucking understand, as you'll see some idiot with their goddamn rod in the pond IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING WINTER

-Two playgrounds, one located at the bottom of a hill, and one at the top. If you walk up the hill you may see an assortment of exercise stops, where you may stretch your muscles to get an extra few calories burned. Wow!
Man 1: "Wow, I remember when I use to ride my bike in Holmdel park 40 years ago, up and down the bowl. Ah yeah, those were the good old days."
by Mahpoatoe October 9, 2018
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