Some people think most of these definitions are complete exagurations...wrong. Most of these people also are'nt residents in Greenwich and if so, in some of Greenwich's less wealthy areas, or as people here refer to as "Greenwich's Ghetto" although its plain to see that what's considered ghetto here is miles from anything even close. Lets face it, Greenwich is the dream life, glamour, fame, style, status, wealth. People that arent residents here or havent been here cant imagine the wealth because it isnt comparable to anything else, its a league of its own. Whats so amazing about it? Everything really, (most) people here are so incredible sheltered from the real world that they dont even notice it exists. You dont have to be born and raised in Greenwich to become "Grenified" its something thats inevitable. Greenwich's obsession with fashion is due to the fact that, yes, we all have money, and yes, we're going to make sure you know it. Theres no "Glamourizing" Greenwich because no matter how you explain Greenwich's wealth it will always be an understatement. Dont just take my word for it, if your skeptical, do some research. Other towns in CT such as New Canaan, Darien, Westport...etc. are argued to be richer, all you need to do is open your eyes, take a drive around Greenwich and you'll see that none of these towns are even comparable. Girls here are preppy to the max, and if you arent then you wont fit in. Boys here are also preppy to the max but once they hit 13 they try to make it seem as though they arent preppy and are really gangster, but all this attempt does is make them even more Greenwich with the help of their "gangster" accecsories such as the tilted visor (or school hat, but brunswick is the only acceptable school)and of course the popped polo (if unpopped then your not preppy, your sure as hell not gangster, your assumed gay and deprived from both girls and a life, yeah its that critical)its all quite fabulous here in Greenwich, I mean seriously what more could you want...sanity? phh please thats like sooo mad overrated.
If you dont live in Greenwich, you can hate us or you can envy us there really arent any other options. No matter what you do we'll always be known as richest fucking place in the world, but dont blame us, blame our daddys after all theyre the multi milion/billionaires.

xox, muah bitches
by xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox August 10, 2007
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only in greenwich does one see a five year old girl dressed in the complete lilly outfit, along with her mother in a completely matching dress. Jack rogers are the way to go, along with rainbows, eliza b's, and if the mothers shoe closet is not filled with at least three pairs of prada shoes then they are shunned from their social life. Girls are known to all have the same hair color, slightly dirty blonde with platinum highlights. If one is ever seen with a middle part, she will be quickly chastized by her peers, and will quickly adjust her below the shoulder, perfectly straightened hair, to a close-to-a-comb-over side part. Even the boys must wear their hair on the side, of course with wings, buzz cuts are not acceptable. Popped collars are the dress code and you must be wearing coach ballet flats even through the snow. Often times boys and girls wear the same thing such as madras shorts or skirts, seesucker bermuda shorts, and ralph lauren cashmere cable knit sweaters.If seen with solow pants ROLLED, not one person will speak to you. Fashion seems to be timeless in this Greenwich bubbble. The interest in such clothing like vineyard vines, ralph lauren, lacoste, j.crew and other popular boutiques is passed down from generation to generation. If your home is under a million dollars, you are considered in the "lower class".
Education is extremely important to these wealthy families, considering most of the children's tuitions are equal to the rest of the world's yearly salary. Often times, kids are sent away to boarding schools to pursue thier athletic careers. Popular sports include lacrosse, field hockey, ice hockey, tennis, squash, sailing, football, and golf.
Once a child reaches the age of twelve or so, they are allowed to travel the avenue with their new cell phone and debit card. Overpriced does not even exist in the Greenwich vocabulary. A twenty dollar undershirt is considered dirt cheap. Eighty dollars for a pair of sweatpants? Oh my gosh that is such a bargain. Looking for a cute inexpensive shirt to wear to a school dance might require a one hundred and fifty dollar bill at Reflection of Wishlist. Most of the families own two houses or rent the same one every year in such popular places as Vail, Nantucket, and the Vineyard.
Hunter:"where are you going for the holidays?"
Summer:"new jersey"
Hunter:"where the hell is that? is that near greenwich?"
Hunter:"well my family always goes skiing in vail."

Mary Grace:"hey what are you doing friday after school?"
Anne:"oh, taylor and i were going to go to the ave to get manis pedis want to come?"
Mary Grace:"well, i have a facial at 2 so could i meet you for lunch at mediterraneo at like 3 and then we can go get my seven jeans on hold at rags for the dance at the yacht club tonight?"
Anne:"oh yeah sure, i have a theory tank top on hold too so we can go together!"
by payton and tessa January 3, 2006
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Fairfield county is reputed to be eminently rich and obviously it is, however few towns in this area really grasp the idea of being the elite, the cream of the crop, the i-don't-care-because -you'll-be-working-for -me-in-ten-years, but Greenwich does. That's why this it's so special because the kids already know they're going to be successful, not because they work hard, not because they perpetually strive to be at the top, but because they were born into a particular family, and that is fair game. They know how to act, they know how to party, and although many other towns in southern Connecticut try to pursue Greenwich's goals, they are not even close. The people who live in Greenwich and hate being there is probably due to the fact that they moved from New Jersey and they are ugly. But any decent human beings know that a place like Greenwich can only be enjoyed by the best.
Kid: What do you think of that kid?
Other Kid: Um... i think he needs to lose that flat brim, and his trashy A4, he also needs to go back to Shelton because i hear that's ok over there.
Kid: No doubt, lets be out, I can only be away from Greenwich for so long before these corolla's start making my head hurt
by Louie B October 2, 2006
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Fairfield county is reputed to be eminently rich and obviously it is, however few towns in this area really grasp the idea of being the elite, the cream of the crop, the i-don't-give-a-fuck -because-you'll-be-working-for -me-in-ten-years, but Greenwich does. That's why this it's so special because the kids already know they're going to be successful, not because they work hard, not because they perpetually strive to be at the top, but because they were born into a particular family, and that is fair game. They know how to act, they know how to party, and although many other towns in southern Connecticut try to ensue Greenwich's goals, they are not even close. The people who live in Greenwich and hate being there is probably due to the fact that they moved from New Jersey and they are ugly. But any decent human beings know that a place like Greenwich can only be enjoyed by the best.
Kid: What do you think of that kid?
Other Kid: Um... i think he needs to lose that flat brim, and his shitty A4, he also needs to go back to fairfield because i hear that shit is tolerated over there.
Kid: No doubt, lets be out, I can only be away from Greenwich for so long before these corolla's start making my head hurt
by Louie B October 1, 2006
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In Greenwich everyone has a big colonial-style mansion with a pool, tennis court and movie theater. The moms are all fake blondes and are on the board of some Greenwichy association because they found some rich Greenwich man to suck off of and don’t work. Everyone is a member of a country club and sends their kids to the same Greenwich private school where they all meet each other. Greenwich girls get every piece of clothing they want and wear brands like LoveShack fancy, star sweaters, and have 10 pairs of Golden Goose sneakers. They go to St. Barths every fucking weekend with their other Greenwich girl friends where they film themselves on instagram for everyone in Greenwich to see. If not they’re on the “ave” getting more clothes and going to Starbucks or Pressed Juicery. They all look the same and have fake blond highlights, fake tan, and have a slightly annoyed, empty and entitled look on their faces. They think everyone should bow down and hand everything to them. They are always talking to the Greenwich boys, who also have bad haircuts, wear vineyard vines to school but pretend they’re ghetto outside of school, and big douches. Daddy will pay for anything including getting them into boarding school when they’re all dumb as bricks. They also spend all class talking about who’s hot or not and “which families are going on vacation together.”
Girl 1: Where's the new prove school you go to

Girl 2: Greenwich
Girl 1: Yikes it will be miserable unless you wear loveshack fancy and go to St Barths every break
by bye Felicia 32 April 29, 2020
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AKA.. 203, g-spot, g-town
Where the Veuve Cliquot and Don P flow like water, and parents liquor cabinets are never safe without a lock. Along with being the underage drinking capitol of the US, almost everybody or there friends has gotten a DUI. The high schoolers can't go through a full school day without skipping class to go smoke pot or do some other drugs. If you don't play lacrosse, squash, or sail you are considered a social outcast. And i wouldn't roll into to town without anything less then 60,000 on wheels, because people do tend to judge by appearance. You have your basic private school kid, who parties a good amount and gets drunk in million dollars houses, buying drugs from a public school kid. The public school kids are pretty damn crazy in this town, i'd have to say supplying most of the town with the drugs and having the most amount of police blotter appearances. The home where ruit was created and played by everyone who drinks.
Tommy: yo biddy, whats good?
Marissa: Let go burn an L
Tommy: I'm in the mood to get swilled
Marissa: I gotta a dutch!
Tommy: You convinced me!
Marissa: so greenwich
by Payton Sanders October 19, 2006
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Greenwich is the absolute most boring town. There is nothing to do at all there. All people do is sit around their huge houses and do nothing but brag about how rich they are. The only way kids entertain themselves is by going to the avenue where most "normal people" can't even afford to buy a t-shirt. The Greenwich teens think they are all ghetto but they really don't even know the meaning of ghetto. They are just so bored that they don't have anything better to do with there lives. If Greenwich is so rich why don't people buy things to make their lives more exciting? A typical day for a Greenwich teen consist of either a party or the movies but it doesn't get any more exciting than that. Everyone thinks that Greenwich is so great but in reality it is boring and everyone is stuck up and snobby. I live me
Paris - There is nothing to do in Greenwich!
Chanel - OMG I know. We could go see a movie maybe?
Paris- I've already seen all the movies in the theater.
Chanel - Same. Well, wanna go get drunk then?
Paris- I'm down.
by Greenwichsucks13 April 5, 2011
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