The most offensive thing you can say to someone
Chris: Nigga your shoes are ugly. Johnston: These penny loafers, fuck yo cheese
by CJ-BP June 9, 2011
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I ate an entire pizza at Fuck E Cheese with a cup of orange soda and bowled a perfect game in Skee ball and played some air hockey
by D Flawless May 8, 2021
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When on female takes eazy cheese and puts in inside her vagina. Then a guy fucks her and blows his load in her, And another girl scoops out the mix of eazy cheese, cum, and pussy jucies and eats it
Dude i had a cheese fuck with my girlfriend and her sister
by attackdatass86574 February 7, 2018
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verb - While having sex every 20 seconds you switch to a different hole. You do this repeatedly and in any hole you like.
Guy 1:

Hey man last night was crazy. Fucked her in the pussy, then ass, got some head, went for a titty fuck, in the ass again, and the back for some old school pussy.

Guy 2:
Holy shit man. You swiss cheese fucked her.
by Gonz!!! May 5, 2009
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any kind of sexual activity with which a bacon cheeseburger may be involved. Also known as a "BCF"
Did you hear that Brian H. , got to bcf?

Oh, really, a bacon-cheese fuck?

Yeah, his girlfriend gave him a blow job and rode him, while he ate a bacon double cheeseburger!
by Icyes21 February 23, 2019
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