A lost golf ball. Named after Clive "The Ferret" Ferris, the famous Melbage Cup Golfer.
Cripes, I've hit that one well out of bounds... mark it down as a Ferret.
by Matey October 30, 2003
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Ferret: a pedophile, a person who doesn’t deserve to be called a person, deserves a life sentence for their ferretphilia
Guy1: hey bro people say the elementary pe teacher is a ferret
Guy2: i hope not man i dont feel safe with my kids in his class anymore
by Localboi808 September 26, 2020
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"this cat sure looks like a noodle to me"
"!yeah, cuz it's a ferret"
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Rude name for Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter books. after a fight with Harry, Mad Eye Moody turns Draco Malfoy into a white ferret. After that Ron and Harry always call Draco Malfoy a Ferret.
Shut up, you Ferret!
by the_Sonya January 8, 2006
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The worst pet ever. They steal stuff and hide it. They chew the buttons off remote controls. They're impossible to litter train so they shit and piss wherever they want, including right in the middle of the floor for you to step in. If they're in their cage and want out they bite the bars and make tons of noise so you have to flick them in the head to make them shut the fuck up. Then they make this horrible squealing noise when you flick them. They're crepuscular, which means they wake up at 4 am and get into shit and make noise and wake me up. They smell like something thats been dead for two years unless you get them descented and then they smell like something thats been dead for two weeks. They take a shit every twenty minutes that smells disgusting. Dont buy a ferret whatever you do they suck major balls.
Guy who wants a ferret: I want to buy a ferret what do you think?
Me: Goddamn dude I have two of them and I cant wait until they die. You can have mine
by ???s upon ???s April 1, 2010
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In a failed attempt to censor the word "Pedo", iFunny created a new word for pedophiles, ferretphiles or ferrets.
"Ferretphiles are disgusting"

"Danny is a ferret? Nasty."

"Did you hear that our neighbor is a Ferretphile?"
by tobiistobi October 14, 2020
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the cutest, coolest, best animal evr
kid 1: hey have u seen my new pet its a ferret
by roxmick March 16, 2021
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