Julie Elizabeth Lyles officially has the fattest ass in the world as of 2022 and she will continue to be thick as fuck throughout 2023.
who has the fattest ass in the world? julie.
by mx_ March 3, 2022
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bigger and badder then a fattest bet
fattester bet 0^0
shut up thats a thing
by wolves souls November 5, 2019
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Discord user; imskinnyLol#7411
following examble;
person number 1: ew whos that theyre sooo fat!!
person number2: oh, thats imskinnyLol#7411! shes the fattest person EVER!
by truthmustbetold October 9, 2021
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the fattest priest (Father McGurthy)on the episode, “iWant a World Record”(s01e10) which sam wants to meet so bad while everyone is trying to get a new world record .
Sam:” I want to meet the worlds fattest priest firsttttt.”
Carly: “NO WE HAVE THINGS TO DO, cmon.”
by icarlyfan14 April 12, 2022
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