A word used to shorten "fucken oaf"
Barry: shit bruz did you see her ass

harrry: Foaf bro
by adamisgay69696 April 21, 2020
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Bob: "hey could i borrow a pencil?"
Juan: "FOAF"
by szabs April 7, 2011
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An angry fat brutish character that is grotesque. Has heavy body oder and extremely bad breath. Slow but very strong and has a nasty temper. Ussually a bully and takes things it wants. Heavy sleeper and possibly narcasistic. Constantly angry at people for no reason.

fat oaf
Look over there it's a foaf!

That foaf got in my face and his breath almost made me puke.

That foaf took my money!
by Tyrannteufel May 22, 2010
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The name to give if something gets traced back to you.
Thats not true? Don't yell at me, I heard it from Mr. Foaf
by I am not a prep October 11, 2005
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An acronymous term for "fucking on a face;" used to describe the act of performing sexual intercourse on the face of a third party, who may or may not be actively participating in the sexual act.
The fraternity brothers were foafing hookers on the faces of the new pledges.
by SlapHappy48 July 18, 2017
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