In Natural-Selection (HL-modification) the F4 key when pressed, takes you out of the game and into the ReadyRoom, where you can choose to join a team or just jump about. When one team is getting completely wiped out, Some players may call out for the others to "F4!" as a way to end the game early, and sometimes, to deny the opposing team a victory.
they Have Skulks! F4! F4!
by Supernorn2000 January 25, 2004
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meaning fuck, commonly used in roblox.
awh f4, i forgot to tell you smt.
by kyo <33 October 17, 2023
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Flame for cash= very gay site.
ruthless=gay member of F4$
get it?
by yo bitch wut up July 12, 2003
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The mean way to make a newbie quit on windows computers
Newbie: how do i ____?
Dick: Alt+F4
Newbie *quits and is discouraged to play and leaves which slowly makes the community only pros making new people steer away and eventually killing the game as a marketable object*
by Sleepy_Nerd June 10, 2015
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Life saver, Used in computer classes to close windows to save you from being caught doing you aren't supposed to
Guy 1: "Psst! the teacher's coming this way!"
Guy 2: "Alt+F4 Alt+F4!!!!!!
by ThePhasePhantom November 22, 2012
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The biggest life changing function in Windows. Used to close Chrome in Computer Science classes. It is also used in online classes to mute the volume of teacher. Thanks Microsoft for this stuff
My teacher asked me to volume down and I told him to press Alt+F4. I escaped from an online class
by DankWarrior703 March 21, 2020
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An unoriginal old prank that nobody falls for anymore, (except the 10 years olds)
10 Year old has joined the game.
10 Year old: Hey how do you run fast?
xxmLGpro69x: Press and hold ALT + F4
10 Year old has left the game.
by this is really long name November 25, 2015
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