an adjective to describe how something is more ordinary than ordinary. In other words, it means that somethying is more equal than equal which does not make sense
I shall now use mathematics to prove my theory.
x must always equal to x
there is no such way that x=x+1
unless x happens to be infinity then infinity +1 would still equal to infinity because nobody bothers to count that high.
therefore extraordinary does not make sense unless it is used on a very ordinary but not ordinary subject
"I am extraordinary"
"yeah, you're just more ordinary than me that means you're more same as I am"
by nonsense! May 28, 2007
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1. Someone who surpasses all the goal they set
2. A miracle, mystery to everyone, original and perfectly different, beautiful and hilarious, the only person I have ever truly loved, the only one for me, my Bella. My extraordinary.
by There’s only one bird family. December 27, 2017
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Something extremely plain and boring and not worthy of being anything except worse than ordinary.
She was such and extraordinary person that I fell asleep.
by SRL September 26, 2004
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A hookup that is committed and lasts more than just a night. It includes holding hands, forehead/cheek kissing, cupcake trips, guided tours of the greater DMV area, Mojito filled conquests, writing/editing assistance, spontaneous visits etc. but essentially such good friends that even extraordinary hookups can be looked beyond :)
Girl to Boy: I've never heard of a 'hookup' that lasts longer than a day or two...So what in the world is this?
Boy to Girl: 'extraordinary hookup?'
Girl to Boy: *smirks* Whatever you want to call it.
by Little Ms. Debauchery May 5, 2010
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Ever so slightly illegal process whereby agents of the government of the United States kidnap people, against whom they have probably irrational suspicions (see Guantanamo), transport them via various European states, with the illicit approval of their governments, to dodgy states in eastern Europe and then beat the fucking crap out of them in pursuit of the truth.
Extraordinary rendition is an invention of limp-wristed liberals and other faggots. Fox News can find no evidence that it ever actually happens, and even if it did, what's the problem?
by Happy lemming June 18, 2006
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People of exception talent that make major contributions to the work of great leaders, but who remain largely unknown for the work they do. The credit for major movements often goes to single iconic individuals, ignoring or making light the incredible contributions of those around them.
While Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is given credit for the civil rights movement, it is the work of the army of the Anonymous Extraordinary that made it happen, and succeed.
by mlhiss November 23, 2011
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An awesome Green Day song from the album American Idiot released September 21 2004.there was actually a Broadway musical of the album.
The main chorus of the song is, she's an extraordinary girl in ordinary world and she can't seem to get away
Extraordinary Girl is off of the album American idiot
by greenday256 January 7, 2012
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