1. In "anime" (Japanese animation) fan circles, when you say something is "ecchi" you mean it is erotic, but usually not with all-out sex or anything very vulgar. Basically like "hentai" but more softcore.

2. In Japanese: comes from English letter "H," possibly an abbreviation of the word "hentai" which means perverted/sexually deviant. Refers to the act of sex, or can refer to anything sexual in nature if used as an adjective with the -na suffix.
1. This anime has some ecchi parts, but nothing too bad--just a panty shot and a part where you see a girl's nipple for a few seconds.

2. Ecchi shiyou. ("Let's have sex.")
by KY Kevin May 22, 2006
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The sound of "H" in japanese phoneme which is a shorthand for saying "hentai".
The most commonly used word for "sex" in modern time Japan; was also used for defining erotic means across the internet by foreigners.
Japanese way: Have you ecchi-ed with your boyfriend?
Foreign way: damn this ecchi site is been banned, awwwh I wasted soo much money on getting the membership key.
by jongu May 25, 2004
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From what I have been told and seen it seems that ecchi is a manga term to describe nudity that isn't sexually oriented whereas hentai is all about sex.
I would say magical girl transformation sequences that are in the nude could be considered ecchi
by Arctic_Slicer June 7, 2004
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Ecchi is the pronunciation for the letter 'H'. It is a word for lewd or perverted and often related to hentai - especially in Japanese, where ecchi is slang for hentai. More often than not, though, ecchi is used to describe people rather than things such as anime.
He has H on the mind.

I think the people who wrote this are ecchi.
by Katsu February 23, 2005
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When used as an insult, means "You perv" while hentai means more "You sick-minded, disgusting freak"

And it -does- mean lighter perversion, though western culture has twisted it.
by AM March 7, 2004
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Ecchi nano wa ikenaito moimasu.
by Mahoro April 28, 2004
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Look at Lisa Takeuchi! is she lookin at LOLICON?!?!? she in an ECCHI
by TheMysteriousLitreofTears June 13, 2007
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