When drugs become hard to get hold of in a specific area,
"Its so 'dry' here, i am absolutely gagging for a spliff."
by George Worthington November 20, 2003
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To not be in posession of something, usually refering to a dealer not having pot/drugs.
"yo, wut up nigga, u got what i need?"
"nahh man, i'm dry right now, but i should be good in a couple hours"
by "Smoke Blunts" October 17, 2006
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When someone is very blunt. The comment comes across as cold, mean, disrespectful, insulting or a burn.
Me: I just got a new hair cut what do you think?
You: Don't worry it'll grow out.
Me: Dry
by KorrieKarlKayKarlene July 6, 2017
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An unfortunate term used to describe a place or event consisting of 0% alcohol.
Roommate A:This bar sucks because it ran dry.

Roommate B:Let's go back to our place and continue the party there. At least we're stocked up for Armageddon.

Roommate A: Great idea. This place sucks anyway

Random-ass person: WOOOOOOO, PARTY TIME!!!
by Sluggish Addreall May 5, 2019
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when someone says a joke and it's stupid it's dry
<Insultor> Yo momma is so fat that when she sat on the rainbow skittos popped out!

<Insultee> THAT WAS DRY!! Like yo upper lip
by AC December 7, 2003
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The same as a floppy but for women!
Ewww Brads giving me a dry on
by Rlu1707 October 15, 2018
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Insultingly Funny, but True
Adam: What do you think of my haircut:
Steve: Dude, that haircut is lame!
Adam: :(
Steve: Dry!
by Mr.Knight July 10, 2011
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