From the french deux fois - meaning two times. A person who is a doofus can't get something right the first time.
John was a bit of a doofus because he failed the exam and will have to sit for a second time.
by ChrisThom March 7, 2010
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Other definitions of "doofus" lack the depth and degree of the term. A "doofus" is someone whose face jiggles like Richard Nixon when he falsely claims, "I am not a crook." Nixon was a darkside doofus. On the other hand Terrell Owens is a lightweight doofus. Not only does he rattle on like a moron, but his classic "face hanging out in front of his skull" is classic proof of Doofusism. George Bush would be a doofus if he wasn't such a Republican Peckerwood. The state of Republican Peckerwood inevitably leaves its host a drooling idiot. Look at Dick Cheney, for a strong example of lame-ass, senile yet psychotic Doofusism. In his last V.P. debate he starred in the role lame-ass doofus by laying across the podium like a too-pregnant wart-hog.
President Obama is something of a doofus, himself. He's a heroic doofus. He proves a doofus can be very intelligent and still be a doofus. He can outsmart the bad guys, save the planet and due to his glowing smile and Martian ears still be a "a face hanging out in front of his skull," doofus.
by the pro from dover July 29, 2010
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"Doofus" is a bastardization of the native southern Finnish word "dorfus" which means "one without a pontiff goat." The word is used ironically on Facebook pages and forums to refer to one who is intellectually challenged, yet displays notable cerebral capacity. Popularized on 4Chan, it is now a well known internet meme.
You Doofus.

Did you just say "Dorfus" because the use of that word would be erroneous.

No, I said Doofus.

by Late_Edition October 23, 2010
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Doofus. Someone who is extremely intelligent and good looking. Usually referring to someone named “Nicholas”.
Nicholas is a doofus. Jessica is the opposite of doofus.
by Ahaidbdidnf May 4, 2022
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Any breed of large, mean looking dog such as an American Bulldog, Pitbull, Staffordshire Terrier, etc. These dogs are known for brute strength and tough looking appearance, however they are really just loveable little goofs.
Danielle: I was walking the dog this morning and I saw another Doofus in the neighborhood, except he was solid white.
by Dwad! April 7, 2010
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The pinnacle of being a blonde; a girl with no clue; oftentimes nieve (though sometimes in an endearing way); a person who likes bad basketball teams, any girl named Katie.
Yep, her name's Katie...she must be a doofus.

She just picked UNC to win at basketball, she must be a doofus.

That girl just dyed her hair blonde, as if we didn't already know she's a doofus.

by theman85004 January 5, 2007
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Someone who hasn't got a clue!
They live in blissful ignorance of the world, fashion, personal hygiene and social skills.

Invariably laughs like a baboon being repeatedly punched.
"That bloke is a total dufus"
"He laughs like a fat, useless dufus! Lets promote him!"
by Anon January 2, 2004
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