1. A place for the elderly and insane

2. A place where people of the "I love Rupie", "Dan is soooooo fit" variety are tortured by any method involving a pepperoni.

3. The only place on the internet where Severus will put on a floor show for your birthday.

4. A place where Toblerone's flow a-plenty.
Guest: Dan is soooo fit and he's a really good actor, I think I will marry him one day...
Member: See this pepperoni....?
by NettyMoss January 14, 2005
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1) A place where haddocks are a common hazard.

2) A place inhabited by insane, but charming, people.
"I thought my life was rubbish, until I found Dissendium."
by Phil January 27, 2005
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A place where Derry, and Wizzy keep Scabby in gainful employment.
Where Ronan is Wizzy's obsession, and the butterbeer flows freely. Harry Potter
by Twinkle January 15, 2005
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