A synonym for evil.
Disney makes millions by exploiting children and marketing terrible music.
by Psas2 May 6, 2010
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The Past- The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story, and lots more with & without Pixar Animation. Gotta love hand-drawn!

The Present- EPIC FAIL, Hannah Craptana, The so-called "pure" Jonas Brothers, High School Musical (I can't wait until their fans get to high school) and many more crap that continues to come out of Disney's Mickey Mouse shaped ass.
by Doctologist August 10, 2008
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Animation company formed in the early 20th century by Walter Elias Disney (or D'Isney, in its origianal form). Produced Steamboat willie in 1928- the first full-length animated feature. Today, owns a mass of theme parks, media and toys. One of the richest companies in the world... probably.

Many of their features are now by-words for narcotics.
GUY: Yo, gimme some snow white...

Seller: Video or DVD?
by Gumba Gumba March 3, 2004
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Overused word, we get it. Disney made the movie. But that doesn't mean you can say the word "Disney" FOURTY-FIVE FUCKING TIMES.
I love Disney movies i love disney shows i love disney world i love disney countries i love disney planets i love disney universes i love disne-

by IntergalactalEnergy December 23, 2022
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Adj. Adjective
Something sugar-coated and false, giving a wrong impression of life to children and society in general. Often "white washing" society's problems with catchy jingles and corny dances. Can be sometimes unintentionally offensive in its childish view of the world, often making protagonists attractive, middle class and shallow and enforcing the "thin is in" body aesthetic.
Stan: "Hey, Doug, was just watching the news on Iraq and my kids instisted I change the channel to watch High school Musical 2"
Doug: "Well Stan, that certainly is disney"

Cindy: "why can't we all just love each other"
John: "oh, how very Disney of you"
by Jameson Bondo April 26, 2008
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The largest producer of shitty direct-to-DVD sequels of their half-decent movies.
Disney split up with Pixar on an account that "The Incredibles 2," "Finding Nemo 2," and "Monsters Inc 2" did not come out straight to DVD.
by A Little Pinprick September 9, 2006
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Founded by Walt Disney, Disney a company that produces movies and television shows. Also the infamous, Disney World, or Disney Land.

Disney used to be one of the best around.
Some famous movies such as Beauty and the Beast, Alice In Wonderland, and Peter Pan.

Now, Disney creates movies like High School Musical, and shows like Hannah Montana.
They attracted a younger audience, but most people hate those movies/shows.
Including myself.
Do you still watch Disney?
Um. No.

*gets shot*
by uberdork March 18, 2008
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