An endearing nickname for a deaf dog which lives her life with zest, love and loyalty.
Wednesday, you are my dilla!
by Lisa February 12, 2005
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Do I look like a slut?
A: Dillas?
B: Ugh-huh.
A: Shut up!
by Avenue D D October 8, 2011
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J Dilla was also known as Jay Dee, Dilla Dawg, and James Dewitt Yancey. Often dubbed as your favorite producer's favorite producer.
by PC Productions January 22, 2009
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James Dewitt Yancey (February 7, 1974–February 10, 2006), better known as J Dilla or Jay Dee, was an American hip hop producer and MC, who emerged from the mid-1990s underground hip-hop scene in Detroit, Michigan. He began his career as "Jay Dee" but used the name "J Dilla" from 2001 on.
J Dilla died on February 10, 2006 at his home in Los Angeles, California, three days after his thirty-second birthday and the release of Donuts. His obituary in The New York Times of February 14, 2006, states: "The cause was cardiac arrest, according to his mother, Maureen Yancey. She said he had been suffering from lupus and had recently been hospitalized for pneumonia."
Have you heard "Two Can Win" from J Dilla? that track is ill.
by Rocky777 June 4, 2006
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A Dilla moment is when your listening to a J-Dilla produced song and the music sounds so sweet that you just have to rewind it and start again.....

Similar to a Pull up or a DJ Rewind but on a J-Dilla Track its called a Dilla Moment
Listening to a dilla produced track EG The Light - Common and the music sounding so good you have to rewind the track to the begining and start it all over again...That is called a DILLA MOMENT
by J.Blaze April 10, 2010
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A colossal fan of the legendary hip-hop producer and grandfather of neo-soul, James Dewitt Yancey aka Jay Dee or J Dilla. We recognize his otherworldly excellence, and possess an insatiable desire to own all of his material. We have (pre-Donuts) rare vintage Jay Dee/Ummah tracks in our extensive media library, we study his instrumental breaks, we obsessively hunt for his samples, we watch his documentaries, we knew about him BEFORE he died. We don't simply own the "Donuts" album and "Dilla Saved My Life" t-shirts, desperately trying to be something we are not. We are NOT poseurs! We do not try to fit a mold! We separate ourselves from the 'normal' fan with our THOROUGH knowledge of his material, and the material of his associated acts. We don't selfishly hoard his music; instead we attempt to educate and bestow upon others his brilliance. We're often called snobs or elitists, but that's not the case; SOME of us simply don't appreciate the over-usage and exploitation of the term "Dilla Head". There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a posthumous fan (in fact, we think it's GREAT and applaud you for discovering him). You don't need a Doctorate of Dilla Philosophy to be a fan, however, if you want to openly call yourself a "Dilla Head", you'd better be working on one. Rest In Beats, Mr. Yancey.
Fan: Yo, I just picked up this fresh Stussy/Dilla t-shirt to match my custom Vans Authentic, and I'm listening to the illest Dilla Dawg song ever, "Lightworks". I'm a Dilla Head to the fullest! Dopeness!!! Will you be at the dopest tribute EVER tonight?

Dilla Head: Umm...ok? So...anyway, do you have the instrumentals for Front Street, or Verbal Clap? And is Shoes spinning?

Fan: (pause) Have you heard Donuts yet?!?

Dilla Head: (Face Palm)
by TonyBlanding February 18, 2011
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The action in which someone make money or "scrilla" via making and selling beats (J DILLA).
Yo we need to hit the lab make some of this Dilla Scrilla.
by Clint D January 19, 2009
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