Dez means “child of god” and it represents a wonderful person. People who have this name have the tendency to be curious and happy. Dez is a nickname for many other names too.
Hello, my nickname is Dez.
by Nickname Meanings February 17, 2019
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Dez is a word that defines a ownig dota player. you'll know when u meet a Dez. 'cuse the line "beyonde godlike" is shown once every minute... Dez = an godlike player.
omg, we don't stand a chance, they have an Dez.
by Sören November 25, 2006
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Abbreviation of Derro just meaning ugly,poor,low social status and slang
by kizza01 July 15, 2008
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A blonde dumb girl who lives in arizona with a REALLY big butt.
dude, dez is so dumb sometimes, but i would bone her in the butt SO hard
by turbotwat November 24, 2010
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A fucking monkey liberal that can honestly suck his own dick. He's in short terms, a fuckboy who plays with women's emotions and dates them just to fuck. He can honestly go die.
Hey look! It's Dez. go fuck somebody else!
by dsawbsj,sm b MesaPrncs January 27, 2020
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Dez-dez is a portuguese word that defines the act of, during sex, the man alternates between pussy and ass, ten strokes each.
"Mary, put yourself in doggy-style position cuze today is ten-ten day!"
"Maria, alça lá esse cagueiro que hoje é dia de dez-dez!"
by Castrol Man February 4, 2014
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