The most caring and gentle soul on 404
I'm going to start worshipping Dei, call me a Dei-ist
by anonymous four-oh-four February 7, 2005
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Mum: Where is Helen?
Little Lani says: Dey gone to church!
by skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii September 19, 2008
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Most annoying word to mean 'they' ever. Its for people who try to act cool but make themselves even less cool bye using "dey"
"And den dey said 'yo Mother fucker, shut your annoying as up' wuzzup wit dat?"
by Musical_Manda July 16, 2005
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"dey" means homeboy, dawg, friend....a way of saying hello
Ricky: "What's up dey?"
Ismael" "notta lotta how about you?"
by Stephee September 12, 2005
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A word to describe someone who has no dick.
Dude don't be a 'dey' right now, we could do without it.
by VisalToDey November 25, 2017
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Another word for 'die'..
LinknPrkFan1122: Woohoo! I just downloaded AIM!
DeathWanderer000: Ooke, good for you.. =}
nunya306: Jourdan, go dei. :)
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Singular for they. As they is now the appropriate term for another human being, no matter their gender/identity. Useful in differentiating between a singular person (dey), and a group of persons (they).
While we were in a group meeting, everyone started coughing and gagging. They were all trying to figure out where the stench was coming from. As I was talking to Kelly, dey told me I smelled like I huffed dog farts.
by Maxblue September 10, 2021
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