Crum is the alcohol mixture of cream soda^ and rum*. One shot of rum mixed with a bottle of cream soda will make the rum almost tasteless. Typically a 1/3 glass of rum and the rest cream soda will make for an enjoyable harder mixture know as a Pro-V mixture. Ice is not necessarily needed but is preferred.

* Clear brands of Rum are typically used (BACARDI®)
^ IBC® cream soda is the preferred brand.
I needed a quick drunkenness, after mixing a Crum on the rocks my problems melted away.
by captian October 11, 2007
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Receiving a large assignment from a colleague after 12:00pm on a Friday that ruins your weekend.
Allan was scheduled to meet some chicks at the local speak easy after work but he got crummed by that bitch in the corner office.
by Mike Honcho's Dad July 3, 2013
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When you cum and shit crowns your asshole at the same time.
"Man, I wanna finish jacking off but I gotta shit. Oh god, I just crummed.
by Damn, that Dakota killed shrek November 6, 2018
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When someone steals loyalty points from you.
I paid for everyone's breakfast and he crummed my loyalty points off me!
by Jupback July 8, 2020
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The act of cumming and crying at the same time.

Past tense of crum is crame.
Allen and Jeremy were crumming when they penetrated Brandin in the back of a work truck in the alley behind a dominos.

I found myself crumming at my grandma's funeral when I crame in my grandpa.
by Slayerized666 January 21, 2019
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Someone who is so useless that they can be compared to a crum of bread. A crum is someone who resides in their house all the time and refuses to participate in any galas or events.
Mike "Hey Dom lets go get that chick to come over tonight to my crib"

Dom "Not even worth it bro, that girl is a crum, she ain't leavin her house for a million dollars"
by thekooker December 5, 2010
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When you cum and a part of your body cramps simultaneously causing a painful orgasm
I was about to cum but then my hip cramped up, next thing I know I'm crumming all over her
by chickenhead80 December 19, 2014
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