3 piece cool as fuck band from Wakefield, Yorkshire, best mates with kaiser chiefs Love: Making great pop hooks. Hate: Fashionistas. Ryan Jarman, guitarist has notable achievement of creating Live Aid. One of the best live bands you will ever see.
Were you at the cockpit for the Cribs last night?
Hell yeah, best gig of my life.
by 2wenty2wo November 24, 2006
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A term:

A) A house, dwelling, where one lives in the hood
B) a bed for a baby
Meaning A:
K: I'm heading back to the crib for some z's.

Meaning B:
J: That crib is like a mini-jail for that baby, yo.
by Merriweather July 15, 2006
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1. Place of residence, esp for a home boy from the hood.

2. What a baby sleeps in.
1. Call over ma crib later for some drinks

2. The baby's in the crib, awww
by magicloudz December 6, 2003
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(Australian) noun: light meal, cut lunch, etc. eaten at work; typically in a 'crib room'.
Ten already? I'll just have a slash and see you in the crib room.
(Translation) Good heavens! Is that the time? I'll go and urinate, then we'll have morning tea together in the staff room.
by Malcolm Fletcher September 10, 2007
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house of your homie, black people use it
wassup can a loc come up in yo crib?
by skully0100 January 26, 2021
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When you're from Florida but out of state.
"Ay bro where you from? "

"I'm from the crib wbu?"
"I'm from the crib also"
by Seth Rowland July 13, 2017
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word obviously derived from the actual definition, meaning place of residence, where you live,and where you were raised.
ima chill bak at my crib
by warning December 25, 2005
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