The colts totally just beat the patriots asses!
by Ellie20 November 17, 2008
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A smooth skinned, good looking, strongly built male who has no flaws. He is always smooth with the ladies and is greatly endowed. This person usually has a love affair with Bret Michaels and is named Benton.
"Look at Benton, he is real sexy, he must be Colt!"
by John kaminski December 17, 2007
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The best NFL football team in the world it is so great it is named after me!! I Colton Larson is the greatest man in the world
Colts are great
Yea dusters colts are great
by Colton larson March 19, 2021
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(n.) An excellent tool of persuasion. Best known in python & .45 form.
He didn't want to tell me where she was until he got a better look at the canon hanging from my belt.
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 9, 2004
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Small cigar that tastes good when smoked.
Clint Eastwood is teh awesome, because he smokes colts instead of wimpy ciggies.
by mcnbns November 14, 2004
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A guy who is nice and funny and is there when you need him. Overall a really good friend. He has green eyes, brown hair and is tall. He Needs help bc I think he is an actual crackhead sometimes. But he is a really good friend who is a keeper.
Guy1: bro who that guy u been talking to he seems nice

Guy2: Yep he’s a colt
by Annnaaaaa November 30, 2019
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Wicked gun brand that manufacture revolvers like the Python and the Diamondback, and also make the M16 assault rifle.
Dude, shoot that biatch with your Colt Diamondback.
by Rohan November 17, 2003
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