hey dude i went on cinnamon toast turntables today. Now I can't go escape. Help....
by Luckie 559 February 28, 2021
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A finely crafted beverage from the hills of Appalachia consisting of cinnamon toast crunch mixed with punch.
The best restaurants in the world have several flavors of Cinnamon Toast Punch on tap.
by kirupa February 16, 2014
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-Something that is so unbelievably insane, supernatural, and/or surreal

-Something that is so confusing that you cannot wrap your head around it.
I went outside and was greeted by a plane crash, followed by a forest fire. That's some cinnamon toast fuckery

What in the cinnamon toast fuck is the mass of the universe?

I have to divide by a letter to get a number. That's some cinnamon toast fuckery
by TheWarHorse100 July 20, 2020
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Going down on a woman while she eats breakfast cereal (preferably Cinnamon Toast Crunch).
Emily preferred to start her morning with Cinnamon Toast Munch, and her boyfriend was happy to oblige.
by stupid sexy flanders June 14, 2018
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When a male dips his balls in melted butter, then proceeds to roll them in cinnamon, then hits a girl in the face with them, the resulting impact should have a slightly crunchy sound.
Tom: Dude, what did you and Becky do last night?
Phil: We totally fucked, so for breakfast I gave her a little Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
Tom: Nice!
by shitsweak! January 7, 2010
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The act of eat cereal as a means of skipping the normal time it takes to prepare food. Frequent among college kids.
"Class is in 2 minutes? Time for a Cinnamon Toast Time Crunch!"
by Creative@College April 23, 2010
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