Cheyenne is sweet and caring. she is a girl to be admired.
person 1: look at cheyenne!

person 2: i know! i want to be just like her!
by iconic sweetie March 7, 2012
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Shes the most amazing person in the world i love her so much she makes me the happy. She has good looks to shes so BEAUTIFUL and SEXY
Cheyenne im so in love with you
by riley9605 April 12, 2015
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Cheyenne, she is the most amazing person ever. Her life goes up and down but she always keeps her head up and moves on. She's the most beautiful person inside and out. She can make anyone laugh, she's hilarious. She's easy to fall in love with. Guys name Cole are often the best choice for her. She can be your best friend or your biggest enemy. She will help you with anything if she cares for you. She is very easy to love. She is just all around the most amazing person..
Guy 1: Is that Cheyenne?!

Guy 2: Yeah, bro. She's beautiful isn't she!?

Guy 1: Yes! I need to hit her up..

Guy 2: No you don't, Cole is my favorite underclassman. They'll fall in love together soon.
by Jacob Mitchell May 12, 2013
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A gorgeous girl, brown hair, brow eyes, could be a model if she wanted to. She is a genuine girl. She has a guard up, so it wouldn't be easy for her to let guys in. They type of girl that all eyes are on her when she walks into a room. Absolutely beautiful, inside and out. Fun to hang out with and do nothing, or go out. She's an all around great person.
That's Cheyenne for you!

Who is that girl and why haven't I ever met her?
That's Cheyenne!
by Seashells May 14, 2012
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Cheyenne is someone who will never let you down. She has a beaming smile and an even more contagious laugh. She is total dork. Try not to piss her off though, she can get very intense when she's angry. If you were falling off a cliff Cheyenne would probably jump off as well just to make sure you had company on the way down ok. She's a ride or die kinda gal. There is no better friend, hands down. Cheyenne requires close to 20 hours of sleep a day, this is due to, well absolutely nothing that shit is just crazy. I mean seriously Chey 20 hours is a bit excessive, you are person not a bear stop hibernating. Her love and compassion is unparalleled and most people will never comprehend exactly how she feels. If you enjoy a good puzzle and are willing to love a Cheyenne you'll never regret it, anything you give is returned tenfold.
Person1: Hey have you seen Cheyenne?
Person2: Nah man. She's probably still sleeping.
Person1: Dude, its been 2 days...
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my bestfriend. the sweetest, best person you will EVER meet.
she'll love you unless you give her a reason not to. and she will go to the ends of the earth for the people she loves. she rarely puts herself first. she can come off as a bitch, but it's only because shes stubborn, and doesn't care what anybody thinks. if she doesn't like you she'll tell you. she gets put through pointless shit that she doesn't deserve. her last words before we get hurt in trouble are always either " mom, i got this." or " ohmigod. i have the best idea EVER." the best times in life are usually spent with her, simply because she is alot of fun. she has the craziest ideas and lives on instinct. basically, you can't do better than a cheyenne. oh, and cheyenne, if you're reading this?

i looooove you<3
whaaa? that's cheyenne(:? i wish i was her.
by mypsuedonymasdfghjkl2 January 16, 2012
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Cheyennes are gorgeous. Their eyes are huge and innocent and move with their facial expression. They are really skinny and very stylish. They have a slutty side to them, but it rarely shows. They are extremely funny and one of the easiest people to get along with. This name makes me think of a river.
Cheyenne is the funniest person I've ever met!
by EvaneEnd January 15, 2013
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