(adjective) exceptionally good; transcends a traditional ranking system; short for "off the charts"
that stripper's face was a bit janky, but her boobs were off the charts!
by italkart April 26, 2006
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Uber-good Canadian music magazine filled with all kinds of new-rock goodies.
I only buy Chart magazine so I can read the interview with Nardwuar the Human Serviette.
by 4dimensional January 2, 2005
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When you chortle and end up sharting.

chortle + shart = chart
"Oh fuck guys I just charted"
by vid_88 December 12, 2006
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When something on Facebook gets over 50 likes.
I'm changing my status to "in a relationship." This will chart for sure!

Genevieve is so hot. As a hot girl online, everything she posts charts!
by Pumpernickle Jones January 13, 2014
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The act of farting while on chat, with the audio on.
Yo man, I was online with that bitch and she kept charting....
by ElPutoMatico October 18, 2009
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The act of releasing gases so ungodly and so putrid that everything which makes contact becomes a charred mess.
Man 1: You remember Hiroshima right?
Man 2: ...no way... NO WAY, DUDE!
Man 1: Yep. I charted.
by Justone Tortuga August 16, 2008
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When you cough and fart at the same time
by daddylion July 5, 2020
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