a sexy mfer who is gay and flirts with his members
wow look it’s changmin being gay with chanhee
by deobi#5555555 October 13, 2020
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A schoolboy. One who is not a badass, skinny, and innocent.
by F1 April 23, 2006
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that guy from the boyz with spinach hair who claps and does everything in tiny
bitches are whipped for ji changmin.
its me. im bitches.
by luvkyu October 13, 2020
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TBZ no.1 representative of cuteness

a baby

one of the best dancer in this generation

loves horror especially Annabelle but they are social distancing (thank god)

sunkyu, bbangkyu, nyukyu?
best boy? ji changmin
by qyutie September 13, 2020
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The most amazing, wonderful, talented, sweet, kind, caring, lovely, thoughtful, cutest, adorablest, perfect human being on this literal planet
"Everyone loves ji changmin"
"If you don’t your disgraceful"
"Brianna loves ji changmin"
"Brianna is the #1 ji changmin simp"
by I love ji changmin January 10, 2021
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Changmin defender. a beautiful person that’s the best changmin Stan to ever exist. They’re amazing and successful
Changmin defender is the best” “Changmin defender is one of the best Changmin stans
by Changminyay November 6, 2021
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The most wonderful, caring, loving, loveliest, amazing, cutest, adorablest, tiniest, talented, funniest, thoughtful, best, handsomest person on this planet ever
"Ji changmin- q/kyu is the most perfect person to exsit"

"If you don’t love ji changmin you’re a disgrace"
"Brianna loves ji changmin
"Bri is the #1 changmin simp"
by I love ji changmin January 10, 2021
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