Caspar is a 14 fitty with a 4.9 inch cock to shove up Jared’s bum ,he pulls all the girlies with his sexy locks he loves fingering bum and annoying people but he is very kind and cool
“Caspar” is cool
by True facts 2021 November 22, 2021
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A smart nerd who reminds the teacher about homework and is a right prat
John: Remember to give out the homework

Teacher: ah thanks, I forgot

Everyone: Shut up Caspar
by Im a human dicktionary November 13, 2020
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Caspar is an awsome dude who we can all love. Caspar is most deffinetly not straight but love is love
Caspar is fucking awsome
I would totally tap that Caspar
by Pief2.0 June 9, 2020
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To give a lifeless piece of work to Caspar for the addition of righteous style and flair. May include indomitable coolness resulting from a gangsta-bling-pinky-ring worn during the process.
Man, my document sucks, I think I need to Casparize it!
by FreakiDikiKiki May 12, 2006
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"caspar aren't you gay" "NO"
by lazybumbum May 6, 2020
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The name means old sorry man, deriving from ancient roman culture. The name can also mean "the great king" or just "king", but it`s true meaning is taken from a sick, old man who was followed only by bad luck, and later became an outcast from society. He was named Caspar, from the Latin words "cas", meaning old, and "par" meaning "unfortunate". Later on the king of Rome was named Caspar, but when he found out what his name truly meant, he changed its meaning to the "great, noble king", as many still believe is what the name originaly means.
"I am sick, and unfortunate. I have been named Caspar by my people. I am alone, and I am tired".

-Caspar the Outcast
by David Narrow November 17, 2007
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caspar will rape you so hard that your vigina will go out your ass if you ever see one don't get too close but you will get horny because of his rape face and also don't let your grandma near him because he will rape her tooo
grandma there's a Caspar over there

yes I haven't had sex in 50 years
by giveanal March 18, 2018
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