getting fucked in the a-hole while having your head slammed against the ground. This can be done with straights or gays.
Let me ride on the carousel daddy, I want my fucking face to bleed all over your cock!
by pepe July 31, 2004
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An idea perpetuated on manosphere blogs that women casually sleep around in their 20's with hot, non-commital player types.

Then, supposedly, when they hit their 30's and lose their looks, they realize they wasted their prime man-snagging years and become desperate to settle down, often with a boring, dependable flavor of guy they previously had no interest in.
Karen spent her late-twenties riding the cock carousel with a bunch of guys in bands that just wanted sex. Now she's 33, past her prime, and dating an accountant who's she's pressuring to have kids with.
by CommanderFerret October 25, 2013
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A promiscuous female that is 18-30yrs old having sex with alpha males. When they reach their 30s they are ready to settle down with a beta male.

Example, get on the Carousel and jump on one cock, then get off onto another cock. Then another cock, and another, and another cock etc. COCK CAROUSEL!!!!
Elizabeth has been riding the cock carousel well into her early 30s.
by I am Dolemite B#^ch June 2, 2017
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A metaphorical place that (unfortunately) women will go to in their 20's. They will essentially give out free fucks to all the Chads, and will then act as if they are entitled, justified and free to now settle down with any beta male for the purpose of having a family.

It is a sad reflection upon our society that feminism has gone from being a civil rights movement to empowering women to be shameless sluts.
Nigel: "Man, I am so lucky to have my loving wife. She'll always stick by me."
Chad: "Dude, you got played hard. She had a long ride on the Cock Carousel in her 20's, she's a slut!"
by That_One_Dodgy_boi October 1, 2017
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A sexual act in which a group of 10 or more homosexual men form a train of anal sex with each other and create a full circle where each man is penetrating the anus of the man in front of him with his penis.
Look dude! That group of guys in this video are giving each other the California Carousel!
Person 1: I really want to ride a California Carousel
Person 2: My friends and I will help you!
by Coarse Hair October 26, 2022
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1. Male lays down; points "Johnson" to ceiling
2. Female stands over Johnson, and lowers herself onto Johnson, leading it into her anus
3. She sits on male's pelvis, Johnson in her rectum
4. She spins on Johnson, twisting it in her anus
Jim: That girl is such a slut.
Joe: I know. She's probably the type that if I put my dick in her ass, she'd just spin around. You know, like an anal carousel.
Jim: Ah, yes. The anal carousel. I'm familiar.
by rockoutwithyourjohnsonout December 21, 2014
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