a dirty carribean pool boy who likes getting a turkish train wreck three times a night from his gay pool mate Octavio
Hey did I see you shitting in a Cain last night?
by lewis08 December 1, 2006
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Cain is an egg, he also thicc
“Oh look it’s an egg it must be cain
by Thiccegg May 5, 2018
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To obsess over some minute detail of a car or, in the rural south bronx, a pair of sun glasses.
Yo, quit cainin' on my ride.

Be sure to cain that car before you buy it off craigslist.
by FatGIRLeater June 10, 2009
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A large, over-weight teddy-bear esque person.
A generl, cuddly, fat-ass
You girlfriend has made you such a cain!!
-At least im getting some yams!!
by Atmosphere12345678 April 16, 2011
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Often closet queer usually doesn’t finish high school closet racist and slightly obese cracker
by 911 is fake April 4, 2019
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Poster on the Catacombs, an Internet messageboard for the Half-Life Mod Team Fortress Classic. Posts mostly pretentious bullshit on any number of academic subjects. Best known for his elitism, bitterness, and sarcasm.
Did you see Cain's latest long ass post? What a douche.
by Abel January 25, 2005
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Something that really hurts!Usually said after you hurt yourself badly, or someone hurts you etc.

Man the F***in cained!
My knee cains!
by Muso July 28, 2007
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