Abbreviation for Central Pennsylvania or Central Pennsylvanian. Used to describe something redneck or hick.
"That's CPA" referring to guy wearing a hunting jacket to school
by heyylardoheyy March 2, 2011
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"Certified Professional Asshole", used for describing someone is extremely talented at being an asshole
Gary's been the CPA at our school for two years now!
by MissSara June 16, 2007
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the region lying in Central Pennsylvania (Phille in the East, Pittsburgh in the West, Alabama in the middle)
"Hey where are you all from?"

"Oh, Us?, we are from CPA"
by GBug March 5, 2007
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I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I have too many dumb thoughts now, I'm CPA.
by vjmassive April 12, 2008
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Cell Phone Asshole. Anyone who annoys everyone around them with their mobile telephone.
I was really enjoying the movie, until this CPA got his cell phone out.
by kolohe61 June 18, 2008
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Cess Pool Ass - When a girl or guy has had too much anal sex or just has a gross, smelly, leaking, infected, ass.
That girl I took home from the bar last night wanted it in the ass bad! But I couldn't do it, because it was a CPA
by DirtyDirtyDigital August 11, 2005
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