Short form for cum goggles, or specifically referring to dark thick rimmed glasses with large frames, such as those often worn by hipsters or blonde girls with large faces.

If questioned by the wearer of CGs on what the acronym stands for, they refer to cool glasses. This results in hilarious moments when they self-refer to their glasses as CGs.
"Your shitty feminist ex had the biggest CGs, did you ever bust your load on them"

"Hey buddy, did you just call my new hip glasses CGs?" "Yeah man, cool glasses!"
by balbir October 24, 2013
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Unlike what a few students claim, CGS is actually a pretty good place to go to school. The professors care about their students and are passionate about what they teach. One of it's many virtues is that it is significantly smaller than CAS, giving it a community atmosphere while it has access to the resources of a large university. Although some claim that CGS is an 'easy' school, in reality it is actually more difficult to get A's in CGS than in CAS.
Person 1: "That guy just put down CGS."
Person 2: "Wow, how ignorant."
by Aloe&VitaminE May 9, 2009
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1. The Championship Gaming Series, a place for complete noobs to compete and show off ther lack of skills.

2. Something that is lacking of any value as an insult, the opposite of CPL
1. Lol, have you seen those fucktards playing source on the telebox?

2. Bob's new car is rusty as hell, it's really CGS
by Kuponuts January 4, 2008
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Commonwealth Governor's School- Va

CGS is a very beneficial program for a multitude of reasons. It provides a wordly education through its many topics that discuss views from out of our own country. It also provides an understanding of how other classrooms run and how other students besides your own classmates work, by having broadcasts to 5 other sites. It also has an abundance of projects per year, that are not only stimulating, but are fun. A yearly project is culminatng, which gives you an idea of how college research projects are design.CGS rarely to never gives busy work out, and even if it may seem to be that way, you always are able to learn something important from it. CGS is a diverse body of gifted students, that over time, come to grow into a family of not only students, but also a group of people who always are there to help one another out.
The 6 CGS sites are Riverbend, Colonial Forge, North Stafford, Stafford, Spotsylvania, and King George.
by Lilmacout1 March 8, 2013
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Mika- "Laney guess what?!"

Laney- "what?"

Mika- "I'm prego"

Laney- " CGS!"
by Alabamashit 🤠 April 8, 2020
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Cool Guy. Only really big dorks use the term, but it does the trick.
Damn, I wish I were a CG.

The CG table is pretty picky about who they let sit with them.
by Msafiri February 26, 2018
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CGS - College of General Studies at Boston University. Essentially, a two-year community college within which less intelligent students can feel a part of a university. CGS also significantly lowers BU's national ranking and contributes to the university's awful grade deflation. In certain contexts, also synonymous with "dumb" and/or "gay."
"Class was so CGS today. We did absolutely nothing."

"It was zero degrees outside so the T was wicked packed. Talk about CGS."
by Tahm October 8, 2007
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