A person who is foolish, inept or clumsy. Derived from a rather camp bear character on children's show 'Rainbow' who was forever making mistakes and being embarassed.
You are such a bungle.

I felt like a right bungle.
by Mr S June 4, 2004
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(verb). To bungle is to tickle the area between one's anus and scrotal sack (i.e. "gooch").
I bungled Gabe several times that night, none of which he was aware of.
by Mr. 210 January 5, 2007
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The act of poor peformance usually resulting in failure.
Playing Football:

(Guy 1's ball goes high over the crossbar)

Guy 1: Yeah yeah, did you see my wicked shot then.

Guy 2: What you on about?, you bungled it.
by Talos August 14, 2005
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(verb) to cock something up, to make a bad job of it, to complete a task incompetently.
The plumber bungled the cistern repair. Now it's raining through the ceiling.
by Alarick September 6, 2006
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1. a character on the kids tv programme rainbow.
2. friends with zippy and george.
3. a ball of fluff with eyes, a nose and a mouth.
becky: hey did u catch rainbow last night?
tom: yeah did you see bungle?
becky: yeah he is like a ball of fluff with eyes, a nose and a mouth.
tom: totally.
by soph238 November 3, 2006
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A bum jungle... other wise known as a hairy anus .
Sophie shave your bungle! She had a bit of a bungle. Did you see her bungle?
by kazzcass January 24, 2012
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To dress up in a crude bear suit and hang around with overly jolly people in brightly coloured clothing.
Where's Josh? Oh he's out bungling down the ice cream social
by StoatsJackson December 28, 2012
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