A gorgeous, unique, loving girl. She can make her friends laugh whenever they need it. She does NOT put up with snobs, whatsoever. She tries her hardest to please everyone. Puts forth a lot of effort to please her parents. Loves having a good time. Constantly busy. Everyone loves her, except for the jealous girls. She's beautiful on the inside and out. She has faults, just like the rest of us. She loves laughing and smiling and spends most of her time doing so. She dreams big and that is what is going to get her far in life.
"She is such a reject. She's a HUGE goody-goody and has straight A's!"

"Who are you talking about?"
"Why are you hatin' on her? She's what everyone wants to be, but we can't. The guys love her. She gets what she wants, when she wants it because she deserves it. Everyone likes her (except for you, obviously) and she's going to have a good life after high school. You just don't realize that after high school, you will be NOTHING. Instead of hating on someone and talking about them behind their back, don't say anything at all!"
by nowstophatinisbad September 27, 2011
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Beautiful, stubborn female. Always has to be right and never likes to be corrected. Ussually has lots of friends that love her and she is a great listener.
You are being such a Brianne right now.
by littefairy November 2, 2011
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Hot piece of ass, anyone who ignores her is a dumbass. She’s beautiful,funny,amazing, and many more. If fuck her.
Man 1: Holy crap whose that hottie
Man 2: it’s a Brianne, anyone whose hot and has a big ass like that, is called a Brianne.
by Fwbby November 19, 2017
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Brianne is an irish name and a female version of Brian. Briannes are often people with low self-esteem & try to be someone the're not. They are usually not the "popular" kid but have a few very good friends instead of crappy ones. They will try to make others smile before themselves and are very stubborn. Briannes are mostly people that think badly of themselves. You are lucky to have one in your life because they would take a bullet for you even if you don't think they would.
(Bree-anne) Brianne please don't think badly of yourself! I love you and you are the prettiest person in the world even if you don't think so!
by TrustMeHumans June 15, 2019
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A girl who loves to have fun.She is good at sports and rideing horses.She loves animals especially horses and wolves.she is good at drawing.She hates math but she is getting better.She is the hotest girl ever and the best girlfriend.She is also very nice.She is also funny.
That girl is hot!
It must be Brianne.
by lol2016 June 26, 2010
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The coolest, most amazing girl you will ever meet. Usually not as beautiful on the outside, as she is on the inside. Makes a great girlfriend. Very sociable and talkative. Also super smart , and loves attention.
Man : Woah , whos that amazing girl standing over there ?

Other Man: How could you not know, thats Brianne !
by Ginger101772 August 19, 2010
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A Very loud person with great personality.... Brianne’s are usually animal lovers. Brianne’s are fearless, caring, loyal, and loving. Even if you didn’t won’t a Brianne to not include you in anything she won’t let you sit in the side lines. Your a very lucking person if you have a Brianne........ily Brianne
Brianne is my bestfriend.......
No she my bestfriend .... I guess she is everybody’s bestfriend
by Hi human February 20, 2019
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