The act of doing something without knowing the consequences, but realizing too late that you could have fixed it.
Man 1: "Hey, why did you shoot your sister?"
Man 2: "I don't know, just kind of wanted to"
Man 1: "So you did a brexit to your sister?"
Man 2: "Yeah, basically"
by IchigoInoue March 12, 2019
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A swear word that is a metaphor for any process that someone single-mindedly drives to achieve despite all wise advice pointing out that it will be a disaster.
The doctors offered him all sorts of pain-killers and treatments to make things better but he just decided he was going to Brexit instead with predictable consequences.
by JackoJumble December 20, 2019
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The thing that the Goverment of ENGLAND CANT HANDLE
by S0me_1 January 30, 2019
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How to fuck up an entire country ; To commit Brexit
The Conservative government in the UK wanted BREXIT, in doing so they fucked up an entire country. They committed Brexit
by Jayna Alba March 30, 2019
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Brek-zit (noun, adj)

Sexual Act:
Pulling out when you're annoyed about either immigrants or fish, then negotiating an Actical 50 (cumming over your member state / body part of preference).
"I was doin' this Polish lass but she smelt well fishy so I brexit right out of there, union jacked it a bit and devalued the pound all over her tits.
by Geekeh June 13, 2017
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When you parents say they're going to leave but spend the next two hours still talking to you in the doorway as they say "I'm gonna let you go."
Man, I was hoping for some peace and quiet after having my parents over for dinner, but they won't stop Brexiting my apartment! It's been an hour and a half since they said they were going to leave.
by RamenC March 29, 2019
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