1. Caesarian section.
Came from the Ticket, Gordon Keith.

2. Can also be a salutation of farewell.
Definition 1:
Girlfriend 1: Did she have natural childbirth?
Girlfriend 2: No, the baby was breech, so she had a vaginal slice born born.

Definition 2:
Dude 1: Well, time to go see the wife and squids. Later!
Dude 2: Vaginal slice born born!
by Leif February 18, 2005
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A term used, mostly by inner city teens and young men/women, as a reference to a female that is a mother of a child and/or children.
Friend: "Yo Raheem, you hear that Brenda got a baby?"

Raheem: "Yeah, son. She's a born master."
by Spankoholic April 14, 2009
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An expression to suggest amazement, it's used when somebody witnesses an event that would never happen in the place that the person came from. In simple words it means to be amazed as fuck.
-Hey dude, look at that pretty-ass girl, I'm so fucking horny!
-I was born on a mountainside
by krozer May 14, 2010
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Born in a particular area, town, city, country, continent. and have been brought up there by your parents, carers ect. for all or most of your childhood + adolecent life.
I was born and bred in the United Kingdom.

Person 1: Hi Im K...., where are you from?
Person 2: Im from the UK, born and bred.
by Louloupops August 26, 2006
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something that people type in at an youtube channel's first video for litteraly no reason or something,
User whos watching the first video's comment : 0:00 a legend was born
by Arion200 June 27, 2019
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.05% of the world is a born troll. It’s when you are un-trollable and you can practically troll anyone except for born trolls.
Hey, We’re you born into the life. Your definitely a born troll.
by Rack-wowowo April 13, 2021
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