People who jump in front of, or hang out behind people who are being filmed having a photo taken off.
They often wave to get on television.
"Check out those boneheads on the news"
"Someone is boneheading in this photo"

When news reporters are on the streets, people try to get on camera and "bonehead" by waving to the camera.
by mrmooz June 1, 2007
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A person who is a true hardcore fan of the tv show "bones".
Girl 1 : What time is it?
Boy: It's 4:47
Girl 2: You're definitely such a bonehead!
by ElephantsArentPurple June 28, 2012
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A person who acts like a fool in the background of a TV show being filmed, usually a news report. David Letterman first used the term.
The bonehead was jumping up and down and waving behind the news reporter doing a report
by Hayleyyyyyyyhi. July 10, 2007
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A person who appears at the back of every photo and/or video, just randomly.
As seen on Chasers War On Everything.

Did you see Chas bonehead at the Logies? It was so cool! I would never have the guts to do that!
by sande March 24, 2007
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The term first used by David Letterman.

To Bonehead is to perform an act like jumping up and down, talking on a cell phone and holding up a sign behind a live television show, usually behind a news reporter doing a newscast.
The bonehead was doing a funny sort of dance behind the news reporter for attention and for a few seconds of television stardom.
by HayleyLikesToTango August 17, 2007
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-n- a rockhound or mineral specimen collector obsessed with collecting or digging for fossilized dinosaur bone.
Digging in the Utah dirt for fossils made me feel like such a bonehead.

The bonehead couldn't stop buying fossils on ebay.

The bonehead cut such an amazing dinosaur bone cabochon.
by Jessa1155 March 13, 2010
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A short term for a neo-nazi skinhead in the punk subculture
"Boneheads, fuck off! Nazi Punks, fuck off!"
by calvincal September 5, 2023
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