Wow that bassist is good!
Yeah i know he can really s l a p p that 🅱️ A s s
by The real deal guy December 29, 2021
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The bass player is possibly the most important player in the band, however the bass player doesn't show up to practice, but if they do they show up 30 minutes before practice ends. The bass player is usually the brunt of all jokes.
The bassist was too cheap to buy new strings before going to the studio, so he left his shitty 15 year old strings on his cheap ass Squier. Then when the bassist left the studio, the Guitarist re-recorded all the parts of the songs the bass player was supposed to play with an American Fender Jazz Bass with new strings.
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Tony's a bassist because he said guitar's too hard.
by Davie504 September 13, 2020
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One who discriminates against Basses

Usually tenors, sometimes altos, and sopranos when they think highly of themselves and forget about the basses' incredible falsetto
I think that most gospel composers of today are bassist because they can't seem to be able to write a decent bass part and in it's place writing a second tenor part that they want to try and make the basses sing.
by TheCheeseburger May 4, 2009
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For Urban Dictionary Slang Purposes: A bassist is someone who hangs around musicians.
Larry learned how to play an A, E and B on the bass guitar. This was the entire prerequisite for joining a band.
by Douglas PerfectHour February 24, 2005
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Usually a failed guitarist who does not have the skill to play a six stringed instrument. Inevitably the brunt of all jokes within a band and not entitled to an opinion. Confined to the lower end of the frequency range shared only by snails. Credit is gained by playing with fingers rather than a pick and with more strings than four. However this only brings them up to the level of the common earthworm.

An exception to this rule is Cliff Burton (RIP)
Guitarist: Hey I just wrote this cool song - what do you guys think?

Bassist: It sucks.

Guitarist: Get out of my band.
by Andy10215 January 5, 2009
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Someone who plays the bass. They have no friends because they play the bass. And they often have a little tub.(fat) Everything bad should be blamed on them because they aren't good for anything. They also eat everything in sight.
You can say you're going to raise a bear cub and tell yourself that it won't eat everything but in the end the bassist eats everything.

Wow what a bassist move.

wait, do you play the bass? because that was retarded.
by Jacarper January 25, 2011
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