the bar is god, the bar is everything, the bar is all and all is the bar.
the bar is all knowing. the bar is all barring. the bar could kill a man. the bar could kill a god.

the bar is a play ground equiptment located at louis memorial field in botley oxford it consists of two zip wire seats, the rope! the bar! and the seat. if one is talented enough they can become a bar god. the bar was created by mitch
"you coming to the bar?"
"is that even a question!"
by seby g May 3, 2019
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sentences in lyrical hiphop songs
sentences that rhyme with each other

300 bars is 300 sentences that rhyme

by lux fero January 4, 2006
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when one says something that the user of the word agrees with similar to true and truth
"Hey I just got it in with that girl across the hall"
"Ayyee that's a bar
by scimassthug35 September 28, 2012
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something supported by factual evidence
Syn: Facts, The truth
"Alaska is the largest state in the U.S"
by bumblb April 12, 2020
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xanax bars, prescription pill, makes you feel drunk, tired, and all you can think bout is pussy.
1. yo lets pop a couple bars, have a couple drinks, and hit up a line.
by OPP October 18, 2004
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Slang name for a 2mg. XANAX tablet. Derived from its long bar-like shape.
Florida Governor, Jeb Bush's daughter was arrested for calling in a bullshit prescription for XANAX bars.
by Brandon October 2, 2003
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term in hip hop used for a line break
i have a big pile of cheese/
look at her shes gonna sneeze/

that is two bars
by Anonymous April 21, 2003
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