Capital of the Catalian region of Spain. The city contains the Sangrada Familia cathedral, a big Picasso museum, and is the home of Real Madrid nemisis, FC Barca.
Montjuic, Nou Camp, and the Columbus statue are other highlights of Barcelona.
by Not so super DJ Gennady August 18, 2003
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1. An anarchich nightclub by the mediterranian coast. The largest bar in the world, serving alcoholic drinks 24 hours throughout an area of over 100 square km. Inside it people live and have private properties.
2. Name given to the city wich grew inside a night club by the mediterranian sea.
ex. 1:
As I reached Barcelona's center i was offered a beer for 1 euro.

ex. 2:
-What day is it?
-Isn't there a big party in Barcelona today?
-mmmmm. Maybe. We'll get something to drink there and let's burn some garbage containers. That ought to be a good party.
by Baguette October 9, 2006
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Deriving from the city in Spain. Also, a term used among drug users as being under the influence of bars, which are prescription pills, most of the time Xanax or any sort of anti depression drug.
Yo, I popped some zannys and went to Barcelona. I barred out for the rest of the night.
by classicboombox July 24, 2011
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An indie rock band from Seattle that has recently been made known for their popular song, "It's About Time". (from their album Absolutes.) They are and AMAZING band with a rare sound. It would be classified as soft, heavy, alternative rock. Their emotional and deep lyrics compliment a full and beautiful sound that one would expect from an experienced and well rounded band. it is what to expect from the indie scene of Seattle.

uncool seattleite:"Wow, this is a realy rare sound! This is good but i have never heard this before."

hipster: "Heh! It's Barcelona. I don't expect you to know them."
by This Is Not Ironic May 28, 2008
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also known as farcelona - the place where gay men try and play footy but cheat. They are the worst team in the world. The city is full of tranny prostitutes so beware!
girl 1 - I'm going to wach Barcelona play, you coming
girl 2 - why would I wach farca, when I could watch gods play at the Bernabeu?
girl 1 that's true why have cotton when you can have silk
by MiaMinty November 14, 2006
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1. (Noun) A football club known around Europe and the world in general for its unfortunately sad style of play.
2. (Adjective) Applied to one who consistently comes in second place. Also applied to one who is generally bad at life.
3. (Verb) To lose.
1. Barcelona has won fewer Champions league cups in its entire history than Madrid did between the years 1998 and 2003.
2. Man, you are so Barcelona. Do you enjoy losing?
3. We totally barcelonaed that game. We also barcelonaing at life.
by XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0787 September 27, 2006
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The place we should be deporting illegal mexicans too.
I'm going to send victor to barcelona,hopefully he won't be able to get back this time.
by Super Saiyan Jesus March 31, 2008
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